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Slected publications and reports (pdf copies available on request)

Publications in peer reviewed journals

  • Ateweberhan, M., J. Hudson, A. Rougier, N. S. Jiddawi, F. E. Msuya, S. M., Stead and A. Harris (2018). Community based aquaculture in the Western Indian Ocean: Challenges and opportunities for developing sustainable livelihoods. Ecology and Society, in press.

  • Ateweberhan, M, McClanahan, TR, Maina, J., Shephard, CRC (2018). Thermal energy and stress properties as the main drivers of regional distribution of coral species richness in the Indian Ocean. J. of Biogeography. 

  • Ateweberhan, M, McClanahan, TR (2016). Partitioning scleractinian coral diversity in the Western Indian Ocean. Ecosphere. 7(5):e01243. 10.1002/ecs2.1243.

  • McClanahan, TR, Maina J, Ateweberhan, M (2015). Regional coral responses to climate disturbances and warming is predicted by multivariate stress model and not temperature threshold metrics. Climate Change. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-015-1399-x

  • Ateweberhan, M, Rougier, A, Rakotomahazo, C (2014). Monitoring environmental factors influencing growth and health of farmed Kappaphycus alvarezii (cottoni) in south-western Madagascar. Journal of Applied Phycology. (DOI: 10.1007/S10811-014-0378-3)

  • McClanahan, TR, Ateweberhan, M, Darling, ES, Graham, NAJ, Muthiga, NA. (2014). Biogeography and change among regional coral communities across the western Indian Ocean. PlosONE. 9(4), p.e93385.

  • Ateweberhan, M, Feary, DA, Keshavmurthy, S, Chen, A, Schleyer, MH, Sheppard, CRC (2013). Climate change impacts on coral reefs: synergies with local effects, possibilities for acclimation, and management implications. Marine Pollution Bulletin 74: 526-539.

  • Rougier, A, Ateweberhan, M, Harris, A. 2013. Strategies for improving survivorship of hatchery-reared juvenile Holothuria scabra in community-managed sea cucumber farms. Beche-de-Meer #33: 14-22.

  • Sheppard, CRC, Ateweberhan, M et al. (2012). Reefs and islands of the Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean: why it is the world’s largest no-take marine protected area. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.1248.

  • Maina, J, McClanahan, TR, Venus, V, Ateweberhan, M, Madin, J (2011) Global Gradients of Coral Exposure to Environmental Stresses and Implications for Local Management. PLoS ONE 6(8): e23064.

  • Ateweberhan, M, McClanahan, TR, Graham, NJ, Sheppard, CRC (2011). Episodic heterogeneous decline and recovery of coral cover in the Indian Ocean. Coral Reefs.

  • Wild, C, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, O, Naumann, CMS, Colombo-Pallotta, DMF, Ateweberhan, M, Fitt, WK, Iglesias-Prieto, R, Palmer, C, Bythell, JC, Ortiz, J-C, Loya, Y, van Woesik, R (2011). Climate change impedes scleractinian corals as primary reef ecosystem engineers. Marine and Freshwater Research. 62, 205–215.

  • Ateweberhan, M, McClanahan, TR. (2010). Relationship between historical seawater surface temperature variability and bleaching-induced coral mortality from climate change. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60: 964–970.

  • Ateweberhan, M, Bruggemann, JH, Breeman, AM. (2009). Seasonal changes in size structure of Sargassum and Turbinaria populations (phaeophyceae) on tropical reef flats in the southern red sea. Journal of Phycology. 45: 69-80.

  • McClanahan, TR, Ateweberhan, M, Omukoto, J, Pearson, L. (2009). Recent seawater temperature histories, status, and predictions for Madagascar’s coral reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 380: 117-128.

  • McClanahan, TR, Cinner, JE, Maina, J, Graham, NAJ, Daw, TM, Stead, SM, Wamukota, A, Ateweberhan, M, Brown, K, Polunin, NVC. (2008). Conservation action in a changing climate. Conservation Letters. 1: 53-59

  • Ateweberhan, M, Bruggemann, JH & Breeman, AM. (2008). Seasonal dynamics of Sargassum subrepandum (Phaeophyta) on a shallow reef flat in the southern Red Sea (Eritrea). Journal of Phycology. 44: 269-283.

  • McClanahan, TR, Ateweberhan, M, Omukoto, J. (2008). Long-term changes in coral colony size distributions on Kenyan reefs under different management regimes and across the 1998 bleaching event. Marine Biology. 153:755–768.

  • Maina, J, Venus, V, McClanahan, TR, Ateweberhan, M. (2008). Modelling ecological susceptibility of coral reefs to environmental stress using remote sensing and GIS: a case study in the Western Indian Ocean. Ecological Modelling. 212: 180-199.


Publications (in reports and books)

  • Ateweberhan, M, Hudson, J, Rougier, A, Harris, A, Jiddawi, N, Msuya, FE (2014). Community based aquaculture in the Western Indian Ocean: Challenges faced and lessons learned. Workshop report. 9-11 December 2013, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Blue Ventures Conservation. 45 pp.

  • Sheppard, CRC, Ateweberhan, M et al. 2013. Coral Reefs of the Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean. In: Sheppard, CRC (ed) Coral Reefs of the United Kingdom Overseas Territories pp. 241-252.

  • Ateweberhan, M, Gough, C, Fennelly, L, Frejaville, Y (2012). The Nearshore Rocky Reefs of Western Ghana, West Africa: Baseline ecological research surveys. Blue Ventures Conservation. 106 pp.

  • Jones, N, Ateweberhan, M, Chapman, J, Humber, F, Gough, C (2011). Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve: a survey of the coral reefs in Bacalar Chico Marine Researve, Belize. Blue Ventures Conservation. 54 pp.

  • McClanahan, TR, Baker, A, Ateweberhan, M (2011) Preparing for climate change in the western Indian Ocean - Identifying climate refugia, biodiversity responses, and preferred management. WIOMSA Book Series No. 12. viii + 62pp.

  • Ateweberhan, M, Chapman, J, Humber, F, Harris, A, Jones, N. (2011). Bacalar Chicho Marine Reserve: Ecological status of Belize Barrier Reef’s northernmost reserve. In: Palomares, MLD, Pauly, D. (eds.). Too Precious to Drill: the Marine Biodiversity of Belize, Fisheries Centre Research Reports 19(6). Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia. pp. 112-118.

  • Ateweberhan, M, Karisa, J, McClanahan, TR, Obura, D, Visram, S. (2010). Effects of bleaching on coral and fish communities in the Western Indian Ocean – and effects of bleaching on coastal coral communities in East Africa. In: Hoegh-Guldberg, O. et al. (ed.). Bleaching and regional ecological factors: CRTR working group findings 2004-2009. CRTR and Capacity Development Report 2010. University of Queensland (

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